Reading Books

Please see below information about our reading books!
Today your child has been sent home with a colour banded reading book. We have done some assessments this week to help us know where to level them.
If the book we have sent home is too difficult, please just let us know and we can reassess them.
If the book is too easy, please check the children are also understanding what they have read, as well as just reading the words, by asking them some questions (there are often some printed in the back of the books if you don't know what kind of questions to ask!)
Children that are continuing on the RWI programme, they will begin bringing home books from these sessions either next week or the following week, and will no longer use the same colour banded books.
If you have any questions, please drop an email to the office or ask one of us on the door.
Thank you!
The Year 3 Team