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Don't rush...

Every little thing is going to be alright.

Dear parents and carers,

We have been really impressed with your home schooling, so thank you so much for engaging with the work that we have been preparing for the children. It has also been uplifting to see other learning, photographs, videos and activities going on at home! So thank you for sharing.

We just want to remind you that the expectation is not for you to complete every single task each day. We do encourage regular reading, as always, and certainly numeracy practice. 

We post daily maths activities for this purpose and we post Topic, SPaG, handwriting and P.E. in addition. We understand that it might feel overwhelming and impossible to do it all! Some days it will be. On other days you might follow your child's interests and do other learning or spread learning over a few days. This is absolutely fantastic and acceptable. As mentioned we have enjoyed seeing your interpretations of the learning that we set and other learning that your child has done.

The blog is a guide. We set it mindfully, according to what we know your child would ideally be able to access and accomplish at this point in year 1. But their emotional well being, and yours of course, is paramount. 

Do as much as you can, but please don't stress!

Yours gratefully

Year 1 team

P.S. a little reminder of the Worried? link now set up on the home page of the website. Therin are links for you and your families to access help that you might need. Don't forget we are just an email away too.