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Home Learning

Wednesday 1st July 2020

Hi Team R-B,


Hope you're all well?!


Don't forget to post any photos or videos of your learning on Padlet! It's a great way for you all to catch up with your friends! 


Maths: Gnome Valley is a beautiful, well-cared for garden. It is home to the happiest community of gnomes ever to grace a garden. Or at least, it was. All is not well in Gnome Valley. Over the past few nights, there have been strange things happening. First, a group of fisher-gnomes had their rods stolen. Then, the ‘Welcome to Gnome Valley’ sign was hidden in a tree. Last night, while all the gnomes were sleeping, the gnome guards had their red uniform hats decorated with yellow spots! This morning, Gnome News has reported that a naughty gnome is the only explanation for these strange situations. Gnome Valley Police are worried and have called in Detective Gnome to get to the bottom of what’s going on. Can you help Detective Gnome solve the problems to discover which naughty gnome is behind the devious deeds?

Can you solve clue 3 below?


English: Tomorrow you are going to write a repeating poem about a place e.g. the jungle, beach, mountain, your home, a special place to you etc. I want you to plan your poem today by thinking about these questions …

What will be the title of your poem?

What do you see?

What do you smell?

What do you hear?

What can you touch?

What can you taste?

What is your repeating line going to be?

Is your poem going to rhyme?

How many stanzas is your poem going to have?

Spelling: Can you have a go at the ‘choose the right word’ activity below? Remember to write out the sentences in your best handwriting.


Topic:  Today we will learn about fabric swatches. A textile sample is a piece of cloth or fabric designed to represent a larger whole. A small sample, usually taken from existing fabric, is called a swatch, whilst a larger sample, made as a trial to test print production methods, is called a strike off.

Swatches can be all sorts of patterns. Research different patterns and swatches then create your own.


Life Skills: With the help of an adult can you learn about the importance of applying sun cream?


Happy Wednesday!


Love Miss R-B, Mrs Fetherston, Mr Brown and Charlie Fudge x