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Tuesday's topic - 19/5/20

Speaking about the rainforests in depth often leads to feelings of doom and gloom. We talk about how much is being destroyed, the animals that are killed or displaced and the indigenous (local) people whose homes and way of life are threatened...However...

There are people out there that are trying to make a difference. People and organisations who want to save and protect rather than destroy. Luckily, there are many charities who are fighting to make a difference. I would like you to find out about the sorts of projects that are taking place to help save the rainforests and their animals. There are many to choose from, but here are a few ideas: (I love this one as it is quite local and means a lot to me. They breed and release lots of animals from around the globe but especially many species from the rainforests of Malaysia etc.)

You could make notes, create a poster to raise awareness of what they are doing, create a TV advert for this cause or any otherway you think best to record your findings. Any qestions, feel free to email me or pop them on Padlet.