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Arts Curriculum

“My contention is that creativity now is as important in education as literacy, and we should treat it with the same status”

Sir Ken Robinson

Our Arts Curriculum nurtures, encourages and builds on creativity, ensuring that our children have the opportunity to be taught the skills of creative subjects which have so often been squeezed out of the Primary Curriculum. Music, Art, Drama, Dance, Musical Theatre and Design Technology will be taught as specific subjects by qualified specialists during the afternoons, as well as being integrated into the Primary Curriculum. 


We are a Music Mark school which means our commitment to providing a high-quality music education has been recognised by the UK Association for Music Education. 

Music is a valued subject at RAPS as it helps children express themselves, connect to other cultures and understand the world around them. Every child in the school will take part in a music programme where children will be taught specific musical skills including singing, playing instruments, theory, history and performance. There will be formal music lessons each week based on the National Curriculum programmes of study and as they pass through Key Stage 2, every child will be offered the opportunity to learn to play an instrument. We offer pupils the opportunity to take up extracurricular lessons in piano, violin, guitar, drums, vocal and ukulele. We also offer rock band lessons (through Rocksteady Music).



Drama is an art form, a practical activity and an intellectual discipline. At Ramsgate Arts Primary School, drama begins naturally with learning through dramatic play in our Early Years and Key Stage 1 where they may begin to explore their learning in other areas of the curriculum through drama. In Key Stage Two, drama is taught by subject specialists as part of the arts curriculum where children may explore their core texts in English through drama and work on specific skills and dramatic techniques which are progressively taught and assessed, whilst building upon previous learning. Three interrelated activities characterise the subject of drama at all levels: devising, performing and responding.


In dance, children learn and develop many skills; learning the value of discipline, commitment and work ethic, as well as creative thinking skills. Self-confidence develops as children overcome challenges to master new goals, learning to apply themselves and accomplish any task put before them. Dance teaches children about music, rhythm and beat. Children will have a better understanding of spatial relationships and learn to think with both sides of their brain. All these skills enhance a child’s academic performance, as well as their physical well-being. Dance is taught from Reception to Year Six by industry professionals in order for children to get the best dance education. 

Art and Design

Through our partnership with the Turner Contemporary, children at Ramsgate Arts Primary School will have many opportunities to experience Art and Design to understand what it is that artists, designers and craftworkers do, and to develop their own confidence in using media and techniques. Where possible, art is linked with their learning in topic to create a fully cohesive curriculum. Children will also work with a range of media and be exposed to a variety of artists, past and present, from around the world. 

Art and Design activities will encourage our RAPS artists to:

  • respond to the world around them;
  • respond to their individual feelings and emotions;
  • develop and use their imagination;
  • express their ideas, thoughts and feelings;
  • solve problems;
  • become more aesthetically aware.
To enhance our arts curriculum, Ramsgate Arts Primary School works closely with Turner Contemporary. Please click the link below to see more information.