The Orange Game

Last week, we played a game to demonstrate the importance of Fair Trade.
The game was called the Orange Game and children had to work in 'families' of 4 to 'grow' and sell oranges. Families started off with an amount of money and had to try to make and sell enough oranges to help their family survive. They had to budget for a cost of living payment and were often hit with unexpected costs such school fees, a family member's funeral or medicine costs. The market was also unstable, meaning the prices of oranges fluctuated as well as the price of buying materials to make oranges. This made it really tricky to not fall into debt. Children were able to borrow money from the bank but often at high interest rates: another obstacle to navigate. Most families fell into debt even though they worked really hard, demonstrating how important Fair Trade is. This is because people work together, share their equipment, receive a Fair Trade Premium to support with living costs, and of course, get a fair amount for their produce.