Number properties and BODMAS

In our maths lessons this week, we have been exploring the properties of number, before moving on to use BODMAS...
Initially, we reminded ourselves of what factors and multiples are, applying this knowledge to answer questions such as...
Find two factors of 30 that add up to 8.
List all the common multiples of 4 and 6 that appear between 30 and 50.
Moving on, we identified square and cube numbers - gaining using this knowledge in context to solve mathematical questions. To finish the week, we unpicked the phrase 'BODMAS' (sometimes known as BIDMAS), which tells us the order to complete operations if there is more than one in an operation.
For example, 4 + 5 x 6 = 34 (not 54), since the multiplication must be done before the addition. We shall consolidate this learning at the beginning of next week, before we move on to look at fractions.