Christmas Stockings Competition!

Christmas Stocking Art Competition!
This week, I launched this term’s art competition which involves a big Christmas theme. What’s different about this term's competition is that I am asking all the children to create their own Christmas stocking to be sold at the KS2 Christmas Carol concert on the 11th December. We are hoping to raise some funds to go towards our arts show at the Granville next year - all the money made from the sale of the stockings will go toward this.
Children can create and decorate their stocking with paints, felt, tissue paper, glitter, sequins, card and old soft materials such as clothes, curtains, tea towels etc. It can be absolutely anything as long as it's Christmas themed. Children can also make more than one stocking if they wish.
When children are then happy with their creation, I would like the stockings to be filled with something delightful such as sweets, biscuits, a small toy, pens, pencils etc... (nothing that cost’s a lot).
Children need to then bring their stocking creations to the art room by Monday 9th December with their full name & team name. There will be a winner from each year group who will receive a prize.
I shall be running stocking making workshops for the rest of this term in the art room during art club which runs from 12-1 on a Thursday. This is currently for year 2 and KS2 only, this is a FREE club for the children. Children need to come to the art room at the start of their lunch, they may bring a pack lunch to eat during art club.
We look forward to seeing what fantastic Christmas stockings your children come up with. I really would love it if every child enters this competition so as a school community we can help raise some much-needed funds for our creative arts show. During the Carol concert, we shall also be selling Christmas decorations and a small selection of artwork made by the children, please do bring small change on the day. More details will follow on this.