Sketchbooks! Making Your Sketchbook Your Own

Elastic band sketchbooks
Elastic band sketchbooks are a really great way to make books which have plenty of personality and character!
Start off by collecting paper of all kinds – recycled paper, white paper, graph paper, brown paper… the more varied the better. You’ll also need corrugated cardboard for the cover, and an elastic band to fasten it all together.
Whatever size sketchbook you want to make, cut a piece of corrugated cardboard which is twice as wide as the finished book. Bend it in the middle to form a spine.
Next cut or tear a series of pages, again twice the width of the finished book. Fold these in half too, and then simply use the elastic bands to fasten it all together. the great thing about these books is that they are completely flexible – you can take them apart, take pages out, and add more pages, and really personalise them.
The cardboard provides a versatile cover which can easily decorated to personalise them further.
Acknowledgement: ideas and photographs acquired from