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Artist of the Term

Alma Thomas

Abstract Expressionist

I hope you enjoyed our Artist of the Term assembly, all about the inspirational, pioneering painter Alma Thomas. This term’s competition is to create your own art piece in the style of her brilliant, colourful work.

You could create a print on a T-shirt. You might like to use bright markers to create a stylish pattern on some trainers, or you may choose to make a mosaic from glass tiles or beads, or maybe you would prefer to create a collage using torn paper or card…it is up to you!

Look out soon for my cool tutorial on the RAPS Art Blog on showing tips on how to create an Alma Thomas style painting.


  • Work can be any size from a postage stamp to an enormous canvas or sculpture!
  • Use bright, cheerful colours and dabs of paint
  • Give your piece an exciting and imaginative title
  • Alma Thomas uses circles or straight lines in her work
  • Alma Thomas’s art was very positive and joyful, so pick a happy theme to paint
  • Most importantly, have fun!

Please hand in artwork to the Art room by Wednesday 20th October 2021. Don’t forget to label your creation with your name and class.

There will be a prize for key-stage winners!

I am really excited to see your cool creations!

Mr Brown

Art & Design Team