Welcome Back!

A very warm welcome back to Year 1.
I do hope everyone had a lovely summer! I'm really looking forward to seeing the children and hearing what you all got up to.
I had a very relaxing summer, saw lots of my friends and family and enjoyed being in my house - last summer the house was a complete building site! I'm sure Mr Welvens will be glad to have some peace and quiet at home now that I'm back at school, although the cats will be disappointed I'm not there for demand feeding!
There is quite a jump in the curriculum between reception and year 1, we will do our best to ease the children into this change. Particularly this first week of term, we will be having a very gentle ease into the new routines.
I don't want to bombard you with too many notices and reminders, so I have some highlights:
- There is a welcome meeting for year 1 parents this Thursday at 2:30pm, would be great to see as many of you as possible.
- Next Thursday at 2pm will be our Art to Start; this is when we have a parent and child art session that will 'kick start' our new topic.
- PE days will be Monday and Tuesday, please send children in full PE kits these days.
- Parent reading sessions will be happening again but I don't have a start date for these yet, I will let you know when I know.
As always, I'm here to answer any questions or concerns. The mornings are slightly trickier to chat but during pick up in the afternoons I can always make some time. We are very lucky to continuing having the support of Mrs Chidwick-Day working across both reception and year 1.