Common Exception Words/Red Words

Information on the 'red words' and spelling expectations for year 1.
You would have seen in the book bag reading books that some of the words in the stories are red. Hopefully the children have explained that these are 'red words' which means they cannot be phonetically sounded out - the children should know this as "You can't Fred a red!" These words are called 'common exception words', by the end of year 1 the children need to recognise them to be able to read them fluently and spell them correctly too.
We teach these within our RWI sessions and will cover them in English lessons too; I thought it would be handy to send them home so you are aware of them, any extra practice the children get with reading/writing/spelling these would be great!
Sorry for two blogs on assessment and targets, it's always this time of the term that my head is full of assessment data!