Welcome back Year 2!

Please find key information below.
It is the beginning of a new academic year. 2024-2025! We can imagine you and your children have all kinds of emotions darting around your brains. Personally, we are very excited for a new year and looking forward to getting to know a new cohort of children as we welcome them into Year 2!
A few things from us:
PE days for Team Morris: Tuesday and Wednesday (starting from Wednesday)
Please send children into school wear their full school PE kit and appropriate shoes. No jewellery (earrings will be taped) please.
A reminder for children bringing in their own break-time healthy snack, please do not send in chocolate, sweets or crisps, as the children will not be allowed to eat these. It is also crucial these snacks do not contain nuts. Thank you in advance.
Finally, the Year 2 Open Class Meeting will take place on Thursday 5th September at 2.30-3pm. This is a chance to meet the Yr 2 Team, to find out about the coming term and year, and to ask any questions you may have.
We are really looking forward to having a great first term!
See you in the morning :)