Welcome Back!

Welcome Team Bennett!
Please see below information for this week!
That time has crept up on us once again! It is the beginning of a new academic year. I can imagine you and your children have all kinds of emotions darting around your brains. Personally, I'm excited for a new year and excited to get to know a new cohort of children as we welcome them up to Key Stage 2.
As we did at the end of last year, please come into school through the gate closest to Small Haven. I (Mrs Bennett) will be on the door Mondays and Fridays, and Miss Pilcher will be there on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.
Our Arts Curriculum will look like this for Term 1:
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Team Bennett |
Musical Theatre
PE (indoors)
PE (Outdoors)
(please send your children into school in their PE kits on the correct days).
Please pick up your children from the playground at 4:15 Monday-Thursday, and 3pm on a Friday. The children must high-five the adult releasing them before they come over to you please!
The children will need two healthy snacks from September, one for morning break and one for afternoon break as the government do not provide snacks for children above Year 2. Please send this in labelled or in a labelled container to ensure there is no confusion between other snacks. Please do not send in chocolate, sweets or crisps, as the children will not be allowed to eat these. It is crucial these snacks do not contain nuts.
Welcome Meetings will take place on Friday 6th September at 2.20-3pm. These meetings are a chance for you to meet the Yr 3 Team, to find out about the coming year, and to ask any questions you may have.
Every Friday, we will have our Multiplication Quiz and Spelling Test. Spellings will be sent home every Friday afternoon to be practised over the week. These are to be handed in before our test.
We are really looking forward to having a great term! See you tomorrow :)