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Wednesday 20th May 2020

Bonjour mes amis!  

I wonder if you can remember how to say hello and ask and answer basic questions in French? Do you remember this song? 



Rapid recap:   

How much is 5p + 2P + 1p?  

How much is 15p – 6p?  

This week we have been remembering our learning about money.  

First, we are going to round up what we know – let's have a look at the powerpoint - Year 1 Counting in coins to remind us how to use money and then have a go at the problem solving and reasoning challenges on the powerpoint.  

If you are looking for more challenge, look at the Money Talk reasoning sheet. You’ll need your thinking cap on! Talk about these challenges with your grown up and explain your understanding.   

Finally, if you want to do more money practise let’s go shopping! Play the Toy Shop Money Game! This fun interactive game has different levels of challenge -  you can choose to pay for items with one coin or mixed coins and for added challenge you can find the change: 

 Have fun with money today!  


English  and Read, Write, Inc.  
(Just do your groups work. If you normally do RWI, you can do the English task as an additional challenge after Speed Sounds)  


Mrs Smart’s group  

Yesterday you planned your Bog Baby report with the following features.  


  • Title (the subject of your report) 

  • Introduction (a general overview of what your report file is about) 

  • Paragraphs (for each new section about your subject) 

  • Subheadings (to explain what is in the paragraph) 

  • Fun fact box / Did you Know box (contains fun / unusual facts about your subject) 

  • Picture  

  • Written in the present tense 


Today we are going to start writing our final report. You can use the Bog Baby Template file (or create your own!) but remember to include all the features listed above  

To give you some ideas you can look at an example I have made called Bog Baby fact report example.  

You can take your time on your report and you have until the end of the week to finish it. Think about how to make your heading eye catching and the picture you are going to include (you could even add labels!).  

I hope you enjoy creating your fact report all about Bog Babies.  


Read Write Inc.  

For a change (or you may wish to continue with the YouTube videos at ) follow Miss Spurrier’s sound videos before completing the spellings and sentence writing below. 


Miss Aitken’s group. Follow Miss Spurrier’s RWI Set 3 sounds      
Click the link here  

Focus Speed sound is:    

‘ear’ as in “Hear with your ear”  

Spellings (don’t forget your dots and dashes):    

1) clear  2) spear  3) appear 

Write these sentences using the focus sounds    

1) I can hear you loud and clear. 

2) The magic can just appear. 


Mrs Fetherston’s group. Follow Miss Spurrier’s RWI Set 3 sounds      
Click the link here     

Focus Speed sound is:    

‘ear’ as in “Hear with your ear”  

Spellings (don’t forget your dots and dashes):    

1) clear  2) spear  3) appear 

Write these sentences using the focus sounds    

1) I can hear you loud and clear. 

2) The magic can just appear. 



 Mrs Smith’s group. Follow Miss Spurrier’s RWI Set 3 sounds      
Click the link here       

  Focus Speed sound is:    

‘ear’ as in “Hear with your ear”  

Spellings (don’t forget your dots and dashes):    

1) clear  2) spear  3) appear 

Write these sentences using the focus sounds    

1) I can hear you loud and clear my dear. 

2) The magic can just appear out of nowhere. 


 Miss Tranham’s group.    Follow Miss Spurrier’s RWI Set 2 sounds  
Click the link here   

Focus Speed sound is:    

‘or’ as in “Shut the door” (often with this sound there might be an extra ‘O’ like in ‘door’ or an ‘E’ at the end like in ‘shore’. OR, OOR and ORE are all variations of this sound). 

Spellings (don’t forget your dots and dashes):    

1) cord    2) floor    3)  seashore 

Write these sentences using the focus sounds    

1) Pull the cord to the floor. 

2) She sells seashells on the seashore. 


Helpful links for parents and carers   

Here are the rest of Miss Spurriers Speed sounds and Red Words for extra practice (accessible at any time as an option)  

RWI Set 1 sounds   

RWI Set 2 sounds   

RWI Set 3 sounds  

Red words  

Level 1 Red words:  

Level 2 Red words:   

Level 3 Red words:  




Please continue with your topic ‘beautiful work’ from yesterday. Have a look at the example of beautiful work attached below. And here is a reminder of the things that you should include: 

  • Animal groups   

  • Pets  

  • My environment  

  • Minibeasts  

  • Plants  

  • Trees  

  • Human body  

  • Senses   

Write a few facts that go with your pictures about each part of your learning.