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Year 4 Camp Out

A reminder that this Friday (30th June) is the Year 4 Camp Out. Please read for further details...

A reminder that this Friday (30th June) is the Year 4 Camp Out. Please read for further details... Children are to be picked up at the end of school as normal (3pm on a Friday) to allow staff to prepare. They are then to return through the main car park gate at 5pm. British Summer weather is always unpredictable but there is the forecast of possible rain. Please ensure your child is wearing comfortable (old) clothes - that are clearly named - and a set of waterproofs. If you do not have waterproofs, please let staff know and we can provde a school set. On Saturday morning the children will remain in their tents until the adults are up so you may wish to pack a book to occupy them. A cuddly toy might also be wise to help  them through the night.

There is a ban on pupils bringing technology! The idea is to camp so therefore no phones, iPads, iPods, handheld gaming etc. The majority of the food will be provided by the school, but feel free to pack a couple of extra snacks - no more than 2 though please! Pick up will be at 12 o'clock on the Saturday - although I know a couple need to be picked up early for club commitments!

Any questions about this, or anyhting I may have missed, please ask!!