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Friday 27.3.20

Happy Friday! Well done for almost completing your 1st week of homeschool. Click to see today's work. 

Maths: Long division- Watch the videos to remind yourself how to do it then have a go at these questions. or (Skip to 5mins 30sec) 

1. 1692 ÷ 18 =

2. 704 ÷ 16 =

3. 1122 ÷ 17 =

4. 728 ÷ 14 = 

5. 9460 ÷ 44 =

6. 3382 ÷ 38 =

Challenge: These questions have a remainder. Write as a remainder or a decimal (if you're feeling clever!)

7. 3245 ÷ 25 =

8. 6432 ÷ 53 =

English: I would like you to have at go at writing a spooky setting. Have a look at the planning sheets and choose a setting you want to describe. Use the word mat to plan your short story and include some of the words from the list. Your story only needs to be a couple of paragraphs- remember: quality over quantity. You can write in 1st person (I) or 3rd person (choose a character). 

Topic: Propaganda- Go through the PowerPoint to learn what propaganda is and how it was used during the war. Then look at the posters on the Word document and choose 5-8 posters to write about.