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Home Learning, Thursday 9th July

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PE: A quick 'Bop It' challenge to set you up for the day.

Mental Maths: Super Maths Bowling.

Answer the multiplication questions quickly and accurately and you will find it much easier to aim your bowling ball at the pins.

Maths: IALT multiply decimals by whole numbers

In this lesson we will use the formal written layout to multiply a decimal number by a single digit.

Maths Challenge: IALT scale factor in shapes

In today's challenge lesson, we will solve problems involving scale factor.

English: Write a persuasive letter

The world has been scheduled for demolition by the Vogons in order to build an interstellar highway.

Write a letter to the Vogon Interstellar Planning Commission to protest Earth's demolition. Plan your letter out before writing giving reasons why you think that the Earth should not be destroyed.

RE: IALT consider the difficulties for people of different religious beliefs living in non-religious communities

Have a look through the attached slides and think about the following questions:

What is a non-religious community? Which non-religious communities are you a part of?

Why might it be difficult for people with religious beliefs to be a part of these communities?

 In the United Kingdom, some schools are associated with religious communities. In France, all public schools are secular, which means they are non-religious. It is against the law for children to wear religious items. Not everyone agrees with this. Some Muslim families disagree, as some Muslim girls choose to wear headscarves. What do you think about this? What problems might the law create? What problems might the law solve? Can you think of some ways we can be understanding and show respect to each other in non-religious communities?

 Today we will be considering the difficulties for people of different religious beliefs, and how everyone can be understanding and respectful of different beliefs in our community

In the attached 'Worksheets' I want you to look at the Religious Community Statement Cards and consider how you could make everyone feel welcome and supported in our school. Then I would like you to decide on at least three statements to write on the Community Manifesto Sheet. The statements should state how everyone in our school community here at RAPS should behave to ensure those of all beliefs are welcome.