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English Mon 29th June - Fri 3rd July 2020

Find your English challenge for this week here!

Can I create a new page for The Jolly Postman or Other Peope's Letters? (including, a character, the setting and a new letter) 

You have all week to complete this task, so take your time and have fun! 

Have a look at how Miss Aitken does hers password Year1 

Using your spider diagram as your plan (see Friday 26th), start to create your new page for the story book The Jolly Postman or Other People’s Letters. Use pencil so that you can make corrections if you make any mistakes. Use a double page spread in your exercise book or two sheets of paper that you can stick together to make in to pages of a book. 

Take a look at the one Miss Aitken has started to create (picture attached below). 

Step 1:  Use the Jolly Postman story as inspiration for how you want your writing for your new page of the story to sound (E.g. Once upon a bicycle or Along came the Jolly Postman). Write this in rough first on another piece of paper if it helps. Then write on your pages, leaving spaces for your pictures!

Step 2: Decide which pictures you want to decorate your page with and draw them around the edges, leaving enough space for your writing and a letter.

Step 3: Write your letter (formal or informal) and create a flap or envelope to hide the letter in (as if it were real). 

Finish/ edit and revise; Can I plan a new page for the letter? 

Ask an adult to help you correct any spellings, add any extra writing that might make your story more interesting and re-read it so that you know it makes sense. 
You may like to use a pen to re-write your story (over the top of your pencil writing, or re-write it completely) so that it looks more genuine, beautiful and as neat as possible. It could even be added to the real book!

Can I Publish a page? 

Add all you finishing touches; colour in your pictures, finish your neat writing, create the envelope flap and share it so that others can enjoy it too! 

Please email it to so that I can put them all together to create a book!