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Percentages in maths

Over the course of this term, the focus in maths has been on fractions, decimals and percentages. This week, the children have been looking at finding percentages of amounts...

Children have been given questions such as, 'Find 35% of 240'. To do this, the children have found 10% initially (by dividing the starting total by 10) - this has then been the key fact to find the answer.

In the case of the example given, the 10% (24) would be multiplied by 3 to find the 30% (24 x 3 = 72).

Then, the 5% can be calculated by halving the 10% (12 as this is half of 24).

Finally, put the 30% (72) and the 5% (12) together to get the 35% (72+12 = 84).

See if your child can remember this method and show you how to calculate these questions...

a) Find 20% of 530

b) Calculate 45% of 720

Challenge question: What is 65% of 124?