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Narrative writing

Over the last couple of weeks, in our English lessons, we have been planning and writing an adventure narrative - inspired by our core text, 'Floodland'. This fantastic book is set in a future, apocalyptic Britain which has mostly disappeared under the sea. Our children were tasked with something similar - to imagine trying to survive in a flooded Ramsgate...

The children were asked to imagine what suitable locations might be used as a 'home' for the survivors in this scenario, with suggestions from churches (as in Floodland), schools or even the boating pool. They were asked to bring these settings to life and then introduce a character, who would bring a problem or dilemma with them.

The children produced some fabulous writing and should all be extremely proud of their efforts. Attached below are a couple of examples from Beth, Willow and Maddie. In truth, I could easily have taken pictures of ALL the writing. What a way to end the term!!!