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Values Week

As usual in the first week of term, we had our values week when we explore personal development, PSHE and RE. Our RE unit was 'Expressing faith through the arts'...

During the sequence of lessons, the children looked at how different colours are represented in the Christian church and how people can express different emotions through poetry or art. Attached below are examples of some artwork and an acrostic poem created by the pupils to represent this.

Our last lesson explored religious pictures, where we looked in detail at what was shown and the message or story behind it. Afterwards, the children were asked to reproduce their favourite one and these are shown on the picture above!

In PD and PSHE, the children earned about when it is suitable to make a stand and convince others to believe what you believe, bullying, digital footprints and how to help others when they are in difficult situations. The children have been able to show mature responses and a growing awareness of how to keep themselves safe online.