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The Highwayman

We had a busy week in English last week, publishing two amazing pieces of writing based on our core text, 'The Highwayman'...

Firstly, the children wrote up their amazing love letters, written in character as either Bess or the Highwayman. Truly, they look amazing, however due to some slight technical difficulties with file types, I am unable to load pictures of them at the moment. I will try to get this resolved, as they look superb!

For the rest of the week, the children had to write their own endings. When we were reading the ballad as a class, we deliberately stopped at the end of the second part, so that the children were not swayed by the real ending. After planning, writing and editing these, the children published these into their Writing Journals. Already this year, the children have built up a wonderful bank of finished pieces of writing that they should be extremely proud of.

Only after the alternative endings were read did the children get to find out the actual ending - needless to say there were quite a few differences between there children's version and that of Alfred Noyes!!