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Home Learning, Thursday 4th June

Thursday is taken from the Norse god Thor, literally Thor's Day. See if you can find out who some of the other days of the week are named after. See below for today's home learning.

PE: If you're feeling sporty this morning then yty starting the Viking Games. Blog post to follow.

Reading: Sputnik's Guide to Life on Earth, Chapter 3

  1. Why does the dad of the family want Sputnik to stay outside?
  2. Why does the dad want Prez and Jessie to train Sputnik?
  3. What does Sputnik do to the broken toy lightsaber? 
  4. Why doesn’t Sputnik stop Annabelle from cutting at the tree?
  5. Name a few weird things about Sputnik and his personality.

Maths: IALT draw and interpret Line Graphs

This is quite tricky today Team Gunson. I have attached a Powerpoint on drawing line graphs and also a work sheet. Have a go and see how far you get, the final section is very tricky. I have also attached the answers for you to check.

English &Topic: IK: how Earth reuses water in the water cycle.

Today I would like you to research the water cycle and produce an explanation text telling me how the water cycle works. I would suggest that you use the following structure to help organise your writing.

Title: Pose a question to the reader. E.g. What is the Water Cysle?

General statement (what the explanation is about): Introduce the reader to the subject of the explanation. (Perhaps by saying what it is a part of or what it belongs to.) Generalise.

Parts: Tell the reader the different parts of the water cycle but with no detail, Would a diagram help? Technical Vocabulary.

Key Facts Paragraphs: Tell the reader how it works using cause and effect connectives. Select the important facts. You may wish to use sub-headings to organise your key points.

Special Finishing Fact: Tell the reader something special or important about the subject.