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Wednesday 1st July 2020

Welcome to July, how time has flown! 

Rapid Recap 

Last week you looked at repeated addition ( + ) as being a way to multiply ( x ) a number. 

Can you quickly add these numbers together? (remember you can count in the steps that you know; 2,5,10 etc) 
2+2+2+2+2+2=               (same as 6 x 2 =) 
5+5+5+5=                        (same as 4 x 5 =) 
10+10+10+10+10=        (same as 5 x 10 =) 
3+3+3=                             (same as 3 x 3 =) 
4+4=                                  (same as 2 x 4 =) 


I am learning to make multiplication stories 

Take a look at the PowerPoint Multiplication stories with arrays.  

Using blank arrays templates (attached), squared paper, blank or lined paper (be as neat and carefully with you arrays as possible) you can draw in your own multiplication stories using arrays. 

You could draw 5 rows of 3 dogs in each row, or 2 rows of 7 hearts! If you have stickers you could use them too! 

Create as many arrays as you can think of and write the calculation that goes with it. Here are some total numbers for you to work with; 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20. See if you can use your knowledge of your 2s, 5s and 10s to create rows (for your arrays). Note; You will have to try other numbers too to make equal rows for some numbers! 

e.g. whole number 12 can be represented as an array in a few different ways (as shown yesterday;

******    2 rows of 6                      **   6 rows  of 2                         ***   4 rows of 3              **** ?
******    (2 x 6)                               **   (6 x 2)                                   ***   4 x 3                          ****
                                                           **    2 columns of 6                   ***                                      ****
                                                           **    2 x 6 again                           ***           

You can use the arrays template grid to help you space them out. You may need to use one template per array, depending how large the number is.


See separate blog for this week’s learning. 



All videos are released at 9:30am and will be available for 24 hours only.  

 If you are unsure about which set to follow please don’t hesitate to email to ask and I will guide you   

Note: Please feel free to attempt the English tasks above on occasion too.   

Set 1 – w for worm 
1) well    2) wish    3) swim 
1) I wish you well. 
2) Swim in the pond. 

Set 2 – ou as in ‘Shout it out!’ 
1) Shout    2) mouth    3) around 
1) When you are cross you shout louder out of your mouth. 
2) How much time will it take to get around the house? 

Set 3 – aw as in ‘Yawn at dawn.’ 
1) hawk   2) drawing    3) straw 
1) I trawl the beach for plastic straws. 
2) I saw a drawing of a hawk. 

Reading longer words - ire 


Helpful links for parents and carers    

And don't forget Miss Spurrier’s speed sounds for extra practice (accessible at any time as an option)   

RWI Set 1 sounds    

RWI Set 2 sounds    

RWI Set 3 sounds   

Red words   

Level 1 Red words:   

Level 2 Red words:    

Level 3 Red words:   


Topic I am learning to write a post card from Thanet (to someone who doesn’t live here) 

If you joined in with the English tasks last week, you will have written a postcard to a fairy tale character. 
Today and tomorrow I would like you to design and create a post card from the town where you live. You will need to draw a picture or take a photograph yourself (ask to borrow you adults' phone or camera) of a place or scene that you think is beautiful or interesting and use it for your postcard picture. This could be the beach, a park, Dreamland, a museum or gallery, the Shell Grotto, Mini golf, Quex park, Royal Harbour, Bleak House (where the author Charles Dickens lived) etc. 

On the other side of the picture you will need to divide the card approximately in half with a line. On the left will be your writing about how wonderful the place you are sending the postcard from is. On the right will be the address of the person to whom you are sending the postcard to (made up or real, depending on whether you actually would like to post it). 

A post card is a short version of a letter. You do not have a lot of space so think really carefully about what you want to say. Keep your sentences short and to the point. Just write about the best bits on a postcard. 

For example;  


Hello, it’s lovely here in Ramsgate.  
The beach has golden sand but the water is cold!  I do swim in the sea and I like to hire paddle boards  to go in the sea. You should come to visit,  you’d love it! Lots of Love Miss Aitken
Ms M Friend                          (Stamp)
7 Hill Street
Lochee, Dundee

Take your time, you have tomorrow to compete this task too!