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29/04/2020: Home Learning

It’s Wednesday! Good morning, Team Amin!

Learning for today

PE: It’s another Joe Wicks’ morning. Don’t forget your water bottle and safe space!


M: Start with a speedy recap of your 5x and 11x. You can do this with a dice game if you have dice, on TTRS, Hit the Button, or you could practise chanting like we do in school?

For the next two days, we are going to be practising addition and subtraction 2 step problems. Remember to read the questions slowly and carefully to know which operations to use.

Please find your 2 day sheet with questions attached below!


E: Start with practising this week’s spelling words. Then, go into your Home Learning, Reading section and have a listen to the story so far.

TASK: Today, you are going to write a rumour dialogue – a conversation between the villagers of Glockenheim discussing rumours about Dr Kalmenius. Your conversation might discuss where he was born, what he has allegedly done, how clever, amazing or terrible he is and why people think this etc. Think back to our Iron Man prequel writing where some of you wrote about IM coming from space, coming from under the sea etc. The most important thing, though, is to remember your speech punctuation:

Step 1: Place inverted commas around what is being spoken.

Step 2: Begin speech with a capital letter.

Step 3: Punctuation (! ? , ) before the second set of inverted commas.

Step 4: New line for a new speaker.

And a special Step 5 for my usual suspects who forget: Step 5: identify who is speaking (cried Miss Amin; whispered Mrs Ivan; sang Mrs Fox). Remember, ‘said’ is BORING!

RWInc-ers: Let's practise our terrifying tenses today! I always find these tricky, but I am sure you will be able to sort them out and write sentences in different tenses. Don't forget to send learning to Mrs Fox or to me to show us what you've done!


TOPIC: Revisit learning from yesterday: can you recall five countries in the world where you can find rainforests? Today, we are going to explore and think about rainforest climates. Take a look at the Powerpoint attached. Note the difference between weather and climate: climate is the usual or average weather conditions over a long period of time, whereas weather is the specific conditions on a given day. (Useful video:

A super video I enjoyed watching: (The Tropics = Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn i.e. the areas around the Equator). Challenge: Can anyone identify the creature at 2.35-2.36?

TASK: Pick one, or do your own thing if you want to! There are lots of suggestions on the planning sheet. I would consider Write it: Rainforest Postcard Writing Template – pretend you are on holiday in the rainforest – what would you tell your family about the weather you are experiencing? OR Model it: Use polystyrene craft balls, paint, plasticine, papier-mache etc. to make model globes, showing the Equator, the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, the UK and the locations of the rainforests.


Extra activities:

R: Access the GG Powerpoint and listen along to Groosham Grange and/or read a chapter of a book of your choice.

French: Practise your French: Practise this week’s spelling in time to test yourself this Friday!

Help around the house?: Ask your adult if there is anything you can do to make their day better!


Have a fantastic Wednesday. Happy learning! Don’t forget to send me emails/pictures/upload to Padlet!

Miss Amin x