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Home Learning, Thursday 7th May

Please see below for Thursday's home learning.

Good morning everyone. It was nice to hear from a few more people today, thank you Rosie's mum and Alfie's mum for the chats; great to hear that you are all well. Alfie, get a haircut! Here is your learning for today.

Also, check out Charlie N's competition on our Padlet page and have a guess at how many Percy Jackson books he has and you might just win a prize!

Maths: Mental times tables starter today is 'Hit the Button'.

Main task: White Rose Maths, Week 2, Lesson 3 - Understand percentages

Percentages is something we have not covered yet this year. So have a good look at the lesson then try the tasks.

Reading: There's a Boy in the Girls' Bathroom, Chapters 19-21

1. How many new friends has Jeff made?
2. How does Carla always greet Bradley when he visits her office?
3. What excuse does Bradley give for not talking to Carla?
4. What advice does Carla give Bradley to help him do better in school?
5. Carla thinks that Bradley is afraid to try to do well in his tests. Think of a time when you were afraid. Describe the situation and how it
made you feel.
6. Bradley is going to make a list of things to talk to Carla about. What might be on his list, do you think?
7. Bradley is different to most other children. Does he remind you of a character from another book? Why is he like that person?

English: I hope you enjoyed looking at some of the characters that may live in and around Beamfleot yesterday.

Today I would like you to watch the next instalment from Tim at Time Capsule Education about writing characters.

Your task is to research some of the animals that are 'native' to Britain. At 2 minutes 54 seconds of the video there is a list. You are going to find out about at least three different British animals that we will then turn into characters for our story tomorrow. Here is a website to start you off.

 Topic: Also think about the animals in relation to what we have learned in our topic this term. How would you classify this animal? What is its life cycle? What is its habitat? What is its diet? What is interesting, unusual or important about the particular creatures you have chosen to research?