Library trip tomorrow

Team Bullard are going to the library !
We kick off week 4 of this term by going to the library tomorrow 28th January. If your child has a library card, please ensure that it is with them (preferably labelled). Any books taken out by the children on previous occasions can be returned on this trip as well as new ones being taken out and loan times extended.
I have had a few children ask about how to get a library card. You go to your local library and collect a form. You fill in the form and return it. A few days later the card is made and ready to be picked up.
The library is a greatly under-utilised resource that is so beneficial for the children's wellbeing, knowledge, articulation and awareness. We hope by taking them on termly trips we can highlight to them the value and importance of books as well and instil a life-long love of reading.