School News - Friday 21st October 2016

Dear Parents and Carers,
It’s hard to believe we are at the end of the first term. It has been a truly excellent term with so much fantastic learning going on in the classrooms. The whole Ramsgate Free School team have been working extremely hard to ensure that your children have the best opportunities on offer. Our new Arts curriculum showcased this on Wednesday at our Harvest Festival assembly. Our Year 3 and 4 children came up with the concept of ‘Harvest Around the World’ and then, with the support of the Arts team, worked out dance routines and drama performances to celebrate this with all year groups involved. What was significant to me is the proof that our new curriculum isn’t confined to our older children - both Reception and Year 1 children are having extra opportunities to express themselves through artistic experiences.
I truly believe that our Arts Curriculum ensures that our children have the opportunity to be taught the skills of creative subjects which have so often been squeezed out of the Primary Curriculum in other schools. Our children benefit from having an excellent Arts team, which comprises of specialist teachers led by Mrs Mannings, who ensure that music, art, drama and dance are delivered to the children in a professional, accessible and exciting way.
Year 3/4 Houses of Parliament Trip:
Next term, Team Beraet are going to visit the Houses of Parliament on Thursday 10th November. This will be the entry point for the children find out more about democracy, the rule of law and the Houses of Parliament themselves. Throughout the following weeks, the children will also have opportunities to explore persuasive writing and then, using these skills, write their own speeches and create their own election campaigns to persuade the rest of the Ramsgate Free School community to vote for them as either members of our School Council or as Head Boy or Head Girl.
The School Council will give the children a voice in the way Ramsgate Free School develops and this will be especially important when we start to finalise colour schemes in the classrooms and playground designs. The children will truly have a chance to shape their future. I look forward to announcing our new School Council representatives and Head Boy and Head Girl.
Have a lovely half term. Nick Budge