Parking and Traffic Along Chilton Lane – An Update...
I thank all our parents who are now parking sensibly and thinking about the safety of all our pupils. I will be continually monitoring the parking during the morning and after school to ensure that it is not our community that is putting children’s lives at risk.
I know Kate Law, the Head of School for Chilton Primary School, has been working closely alongside the Chilton parents to ensure that they too are doing everything they can to keep Chilton Lane safe.
We recently contacted the PCSO office regarding our concerns and this was their response:
Whilst the local PCSOs try to attend primary schools as and when possible to monitor parking issues, your area currently does not have a dedicated Officer – this will be changing in November when a new Officer joins Kent Police. Until then the entire ward is being monitored by another Officer who also has 3 other wards to cover.
I have contacted Nick May who is employed by TDC in their parking office on your behalf, in the hope that he can send a Civil Enforcement Officer to address your issues.
We have been receiving visits from parking enforcement personnel and parking tickets have been issued.
This issue remains high on the Viking Academy Trust agenda and we will continue to pursue it!