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Fantastic news for Ramsgate Free School!

Fantastic news for Ramsgate Free School! Planning permission has been granted by Thanet District Council for construction of the primary school in Newington Road that will provide up to 420 places for children aged 4-11 years old and Ramsgate Free School will move to this purpose-built specially-designed centre for the start of the September 2017 school year.

Fantastic news for Ramsgate Free School! Planning permission has been granted by Thanet District Council for construction of the primary school in Newington Road that will provide up to 420 places for children aged 4-11 years old and Ramsgate Free School will move to this purpose-built specially-designed centre for the start of the September 2017 school year.

The open and spacious two-storey building will feature state of the art technology, and will include its own recording studio, dance facilities, art room and dedicated music centre. The school will also have its own playing fields, school hall and kitchens.

Head of School Nick Budge said: “This is fantastic news. It is something we have worked towards since day one and we can’t wait to get going with the new project.”

The unanimous decision for the new build project reflects the rising demand for more school places in the town.

Ramsgate Free School is temporarily based at Chilton Primary School at Pegwell Bay, where it opened in September 2015.

Popular with families and pupils, RFS continues to raise educational and performance standards and it is now educating 80 pupils from Reception, Year 1, 3 and 4 classes.

Mr Budge said: “Ramsgate Free School provides a high quality, rounded education, through which every child can know the joy of learning and be supported to reach his or her potential.

“Through our Arts Curriculum, children are taught the skills of creative subjects. The specialist teaching team guide children in learning the value of discipline, commitment and work ethic as well as creative thinking skills.

“The result is children who not only have a secure educational foundation, but also have the ability to think outside the box and channel their creativity enabling them to succeed in a rapidly changing world.”

The arts curriculum is central to the development of the school.

Mr Budge added: “Every afternoon from Monday to Thursday pupils are working with specialist teachers to explore a range of topics including music, dance, drama, and art, with PE/movement also included.”

Whether it is creating their own dance and drama routines, learning to play African djembe drums or guitar, or making bug-eyed puppets, the pupils are revelling in creative expression.

Mr Budge continued: “Arts afternoons all week is something that is not being offered by other schools. We believe that balanced learning is key for our children who study core subjects through the International Primary Curriculum during their morning sessions before developing their creative potential after lunch break.

“We aim to showcase their work in art exhibitions, shows and performances in the coming months to highlight their skills.”

Ramsgate Free School is part of the Viking Academy Trust with Upton Junior School and Chilton Primary School.

Trust Executive Head Teacher Michaela Lewis said: “Achieving unanimous planning approval for our vitally important project for the young people of Ramsgate is excellent and exciting news. We have deliberated long and hard over the proposals for the new school design to ensure that we will provide the best possible progressive learning environment for our children.

“The new school will be a bright and airy place in which to learn, with first class facilities to enable our pupils to have the best chance for the start of their educational journey. “