New News Story

Demolition Watchdogs Report Fantastic Progress
Children at Ramsgate Free School are on a special mission for their classmates – they are investigating the building of their new school first hand.
School council members are making regular trips to the Newington Road site to watch their purpose- built school take shape and will report back their findings.
Wearing yellow safety hats and high-viz tabards the group watched from behind barriers as the demolition continued.
Giant machines which the children said looked like mechanical monsters ripped down concrete walls, tore off roofs and grabbed steel girders, leaving a growing pile of rubble.
Head Girl Lilly said: “It is really interesting to see how the machines pull the buildings down. The work is going ahead very quickly and soon we will be in our new school.”
Head Boy Malaki agreed: “It is exciting to watch the diggers breaking down all the old buildings.”
Head of School Nick Budge said: “The school council is being the eyes and ears for the rest of the pupils, staff, families and governors. They are making regular visits to the site and will report back with a Powerpoint presentation to keep everyone up to date with the progress, from demolition, to clearing, to creating the playing fields and the basis for their new school.”
“The contractors - McAvoys are being very supportive in letting our pupils gain a first-hand experience of this important part of our school’s development.”
The project is for a primary school for 420 children aged 4-11 years old. The school will move into Newington Road from 18th August 2017 and will be ready to welcome pupils and parents at the start of the school year in September.
The purpose-built complex will be renamed Ramsgate Arts Primary School to reflect its arts-based facilities including recording studio, music centre, arts and dance centres.
Ramsgate Free School is part of the Viking Academy Trust with Upton Junior School and Chilton Primary School.