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Pupil Council Has A Strong Voice

The election for the first pupil council has been held at Ramsgate Arts Primary School. 

Candidates were chosen and each had to prepare and deliver speeches about why they want to be part of the leadership group that has an important role to play in the life of the school. 

The pupil council features a boy and girl representing each class throughout the school, which opened in September. 

Head of School Nick Budge said: “The selection was part of teaching our children about the democratic process and how important it is in our country. They took the whole process seriously and enthusiastically.” 

The ten-strong group will meet regularly with staff, putting across issues raised by classmates. 

Mr Budge added: “We take their observations seriously and they have already put forward thought-provoking suggestions for us to consider. 

“They are already working on their own version of our school development plan.” 

As well as being mentors to fellow pupils, the council members will be on show at special events and visits as RAPS ambassadors, and are also planning fund raising events.