Gangster Granny, Wizards and Princesses
A colourful cast of characters leapt from the pages of books into the classrooms and corridors at Ramsgate Arts Primary School.
Pupils and staff brought literature to life on World Book Day on March 1 as part of the school’s first literacy festival.
Head of school Nick Budge said: “The festival was a great success. It was the first festival of its kind for us at RAPS and we are certainly considering making it an annual part of our learning programme.
“Feedback has been really positive from pupils, parents and staff, and the Book Day was a really lovely event.”
The week-long celebration of the written and spoken word featured visiting authors, book illustrators, storytelling, and the chance for pupils to create their own storybooks in the style of The Adventures of the Owl and the Pussycat by Charlotte Cooke from Westgate. The story was theme book for the week.
Mr Budge added: “The festival has really helped amplify the strong learning base that our school has for English and literacy. It has been wholly positive and myself and the staff have noticed the way our children have embraced the whole week.”
Earlier in February acclaimed children’s poet and author Brian Moses held a full day workshop at the school for able young writers from around Thanet.