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Hola to Mexican Learning

Exploring the tasty food of Mexico was on the menu for children from Ramsgate Arts Primary.

The treat for Year 5 pupils saw them say ‘Hola’ to the team at Chiquito’s Mexican diner at Westwood Cross retail park as part of their topic exploring the culture and heritage of the country.

As soon as they arrived the pupils were encouraged to join in the fun spirit of their visit by wearing colourful sombrero hats.

Next, they were shown how to make burritos and tacos, and while they waited for these to bake, they were given some challenges to complete such as finding Mexico on a map.

Teacher Hannah Dannell explained: “When the food arrived, they were also given some dips to try such as salsa, guacamole and sour cream.

“They all loved the burritos and tacos even though some of them had never tried them before. Our final surprise was two whole trays of churros and chocolate dipping sauce.

“The children had a great time and we'd like to say ‘gracias’ to the staff at Chiquito’s for accommodating us and going above and beyond.”

Head of School Nick Budge added: “It is important for our children to learn about other cultures and a trip like this was perfect for helping them expand their knowledge.

“They got to try some very tasty food, enjoy the environment, and have fun through their learning experience. I am sure many of them will want to try more Mexican food cuisine after this brilliant visit.”

Ramsgate Arts Primary School is part of the Viking Academy Trust with Upton Junior School at Broadstairs and Chilton Primary School, Ramsgate.

To book a tour of RAPS and see the arts learning in action, contact Head of School Nick Budge on 01843 582847.