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RAPS’ Good Sports Enjoy the Challenge

It was game on for young competitors at the annual sports day at Ramsgate Arts Primary.

Children from all age groups took part in a structured programme of events so that everyone took part in the same one throughout the morning.

Traditional running races, egg and spoon, and water carrying, space hopper leaping, firing a water gun at balloons, and a bean bag balance were popular as were the fancy dress relay and football skills events.

The sports day ended with parents and staff challenges including sprint races and tug of war challenges.

The final results were announced to loud cheers with Yellow team triumphant with a slender two point advantage over Greens in second; Blue were third with Reds fourth.

After the medals and certificates presentation, children joined their families for a picnic on the field.

Head of School Nick Budge said: “Our children really got involved whether they were taking part or cheering their team mates on.

“There was a variety of events for them to enjoy involving balance and motor skills and dexterity challenges, plus lots of competitive fun. The parents gave us great support as ever and the organising team and staff did a fabulous job in co-ordinating so many different challenges for each child to enjoy.

“We are already looking forward to our outdoor activities and sports in the coming school year. We are working on a programme to upgrade our field and play areas to offer even more possibilities and opportunities.”

Ramsgate Arts Primary School is part of the Viking Academy Trust with Upton Junior School and Chilton Primary School.

*For more information, contact Mr Budge on 01843 582847