Outside Learning Plan for RAPS

Ramsgate Arts Primary School is expanding its learning areas for children.
RAPS Landscape 2020 is a project aimed at improving facilities in the playground area at the rear of the main building.
It will feature an outside classroom that will be utilised for a variety of subjects, topics and themes. Also included are areas of Astroturf and planters with graceful trees, herbs and grasses to create natural and ‘greener’ play zones that will create a welcoming softer visual impact in contrast to the current concreted surface.
Head of School Nick Budge said: “This is an important phase in the continual development of learning and recreational facilities for our children.
“Once the structures are installed, a RAPS parent is going to assist with the planting design to help create much-needed shade in the summer months.
“Our hard-working Parent Council has already raised the money for the planting from the summer and Christmas fairs, so hopefully we will have a ‘community plant’ session during early spring.“
Parent Council members Charlotte Taylor and Melissa Hodder met with Mr Budge to oversee the plans being transformed from initial sketches to design brief stage. They said: “This is an exciting project and will create a diverse learning environment for pupils. The Parent Council is happy to support initiatives that give children and staff greater resources to expand their potential through learning.”
Mr Budge said that to safeguard the children during the works, the school has temporarily fenced off the whole of the area being developed. Parent and families have already been informed via the regular RAPS newsletter how this may affect drop off and collection arrangements for their children.
Ramsgate Arts Primary School is part of the Viking Academy Trust with Upton Junior School at Broadstairs and Chilton Primary School, Ramsgate.
*For more information, contact Mr Budge on 01843 582847, or email enquiries@ramsgateartsprimaryschool.co.uki