Viking Holiday Club News & Information

Viking Holiday Club: February 1/2 Term
February 1/2 Term Holiday Club.......Viking Holiday Club are happy to announce our February Half-Term dates... Open to all children attending the Viking Academy Trust school (Chilton, Ramsgate Arts and Upton) from Reception year to Year 6. If you have a sibling at another school in Reception – Year 6, no problem. Bring them along to join in the fun!
Dates and prices below:
Venue - Upton Junior School
Monday 17th February - Friday 21st February
Full Day 9-3 £15 (bring own packed lunch)
Full Day and Early Bird 8-3 £17 (breakfast included at 8.30am, bring own packed lunch)
Full Day and Extended Stay 9-6 £23 (dinner included at 5pm, bring own packed lunch)
Full Day 8-6 £25 (breakfast and dinner included at 8.30am and 5pm, bring own packed lunch)
Full Week 9-3 £12 per day
Sibling Discount 25% off when paying full price for first child
Children will participate in a variety of different activities, challenging themselves with others in a safe and fun environment. The Viking Academy Sports Coaches Miss Knight and Mr Noble will be running the club and are both first aid trained.
Children will need a packed lunch for the day and come dressed in suitable clothing (including wet weather) for outdoor and indoor activities. Parents of children involved must include all relevant medical information when completing the application form and ensure children bring any relevant medical items with them.
If you would like your child to attend Viking Holiday Club please complete the form using the link:
and make payment via: by Friday 14th February 2020 at 12 noon.
The online form needs to be completed before your child attends due to our safeguarding policy.
For more information please email us at