RAPS Stars of the Week

Good morning RAPS. One of the most difficult things at the moment is the change in routine, being away from school and not seeing each other each day. You have all been fantastic and completed some amazing home learning .The teachers have been over whelmed by the amazing work that you have been sending them. Here are a few of their RAPS Stars for the week!
A video from this morning's Celebration Assembly can be found here: https://vimeo.com/401304887
Team Spurrier
Cleo is my RAPS star, she has taken the learning in her stride and gone above and beyond. She has been completing the daily tasks in such creative ways and she's been learning the ukulele, french, baking and has had a go at painting too.
Miss Spurrier
Team Barnes
My star of the week is Lacey. She has been working hard on her RWI, she's made her own supertato and made up a story about her supertato, been practising reading real and nonsense words, helping wash her dads car and drawing lovely pictures with chalk at the front of her house.
Mrs Barnes
Team Smart
I have had some fantastic work from many members of Team Smart and they all seem to be enjoying the work! I'd like to nominate Marina this week for her fantastic efforts with her daily blog which includes a story she is writing remotely in collaboration with Maeve - social distancing at its best!
Mrs Smart
Team Aitken
My RAPS star is Theia, because she has been a trouper this week. Her parents are both critical key workers and so she has had to continue coming in to school. She has been really hardworking and fun to be around this week. Keep up the cheer and hard work Theia, Team Aitken are proud of you!
Mrs Aitkin
Team Rees-Boughton
My RAPS star is Leo, who created an amazing life cycle of a frog and wrote a fantastic letter to someone who is self-isolating and may be feeling a little bit lonely.
Miss Rees-Boughton
Team Beraet
I want to say my class have been AMAZING and it is REALLY HARD to only choose one. Have had loads of emails and photos regularly from the likes of Isla, Grace and Jak, but Noah has done EVERY day at least 6 photos showing all sorts of learning and other activities, so if I am only allowed 1 then it has to be Noah.
Mr Beraet
Team Amin
Ryan has been using his home learning as his opportunity to explore his interest in science alongside recapping Year 4 learning. What a star! Well done, Ryan!
Miss Amin
Team Gunson
I had quite a few to choose from, lots of lovely pictures of learning, but I'm sending Sandra's poster about Anglo Saxon religion. She chose to write about some of the Anglo Saxon gods. Sandra has posted her learning every day this week and is starting to miss school and her friends, so getting a mention in your 'virtual assembly' would be a nice pick-me-up for her.
Mr Gunson
Team Dannell
Maisy is Team Dannell's RAPS Star for some fantastic home learning. Mum sent through loads of photos of the work she has completed.
Miss Dannell
Well done everyone !