Positivity in Team Brun-Cialis

In Team Brun-Cialis, we wll be practising our positivity and resilience this term!
It is so easy for us (adults and children) to get caught up in all the things that have gone wrong during a day and to spend our evenings worrying about these things. Therefore, as class we will be having a positive slot just before afternoon break. This slot will allow every child in the class to reflect on the things that made them happy that day. Then they can go to the arts curriculum and home with the positives.
You can practise this with your children on the way home from school. Instead of asking them how their day was maybe try "what made you happy today," or "what was the best thing that happened today." We know that not every day will be a positive day and the children may want to reflect on the difficult things that happened - if these are conversations yo are having with your child how about reflecting on a positive at the end of the conversation.