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01/07/2020: Home Learning

Good morning, Team Amin

Exciting pictures attached below: Mrs Fox has been looking after her Venus Flytrap which she bought on our trip to Quex and look at how it has GROWN! She has also grown a sunflower from one of the seeds from our Plants unit and there are more to come! I have attached pictures below because really.... HOW AMAZING! I wish mine had survived but, alas, I do not seem to have green fingers :( Though maybe I do - my tomatoes are still growing!


Learning for today:

EM Riddles:

If two’s company, and three’s a crowd, what are four and five?

How many letters are there in the English alphabet?

And on the theme of rain (that we seem to be suffering from recently!): If a brother, his sister, and their dog weren’t under an umbrella, why didn’t they get wet?


M: Start with a 10 minute practice of your number bonds on Hit the Button! How many can you get right in the time given?

Continuing with Oak Academy for their videos as we think about plotting specified points in a 2d grid, go to:

After working through the slides and quiz, you can choose either to complete the Oak worksheet questions or to complete one of the challenges below. For the shark sheet, you could really challenge yourself to work with four quadrants rather than the 1 we have been using. You will find that plotting is still very much along the corridors and up/down the stairs. If unsure, ask your adult to check your trickier plottings. Remember, plotting points is done where the two lines meet and NEVER in the middle of the box!


E: Listen to the next chapters of Varjak Paw if you haven’t caught up already. I have added some!

TASK: Now then, hopefully you have been able to plan out your story. If not, you will need to think briefly about what route you want your story to take so that you can write your story’s opening.

Things to think about:

  • Fun story title
  • Exciting, gripping opening sentence to draw reader in
  • Setting description – you want your reader to be a part of the story so they need to SEE it – what can be seen, heard etc.
  • Character description when you introduce your hero – what do they look like, smell like, sound like etc.
  • What is your hero doing?
  • What is happening? You want your reader to continue to read so you need to draw them in!

Things to include: 3 exciting openers with a piece of punctuation after them, 1 example of apostrophes for possession, 3 expanded noun phrases (with some exciting adjectives from a thesaurus which you haven’t used before) and all of your basic punctuation! Don’t forget those all-important capital letters and full stops, Team Amin.

Enjoy the writing process. I can’t wait to read your openings.

RWInc: Please find the relevant spellings and story text attached below for A Box Full of Light with today’s learning task.


Topic: We are thinking about chocolate and TEETH today! Take a look at some of the sites directed to you in the Powerpoint and then choose 1 of the optional tasks to aid with your learning.

I really enjoyed watching this video too:

And for those of you who sent pictures/emails about the chocolate you ate yesterday, I hope you enjoyed them! I, for one, had a bit of chocolate cake on Monday followed by Smarties yesterday!

Extra activities:

Help out at home: How can you help your adult today? Do you need to clean your room? Could you do the washing up? Maybe today you need to just hug your adult?

Viking Games: Take a look at the latest Viking Games challenge set for you by Mrs Horrigan.


Happy learning! Missing you all as always!

Miss Amin x