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A reminder of the timings next week

What a busy week we've had, the children have been absolutely amazing and have really settled so well. Let's hope they don't think their schooling is done forever now there's a weekend break! 

Some updates and reminders for next week:

  • All children are in 8:15am-1pm Monday 11th, Tuesday 12th and Wednesday 13th. This will mean we will be eating lunch in school. 
  • From Thursday 14th onwards, all children will be in full time, 8:15am-3pm.
  • Entrance in the morning as normal through the office gate (the current gate). At home time, to ease congestion, we are going to start splitting the classes as they leave school. This does not have any effect on green class who will leave as normal through the office gate. Blue class through the opposite gate.  
  • PE will start on Thursday 14th September, please send children to school in their PE kit. They will stay in this all day. Long hair to be tied up please. 

Last, but not least - have a wonderful weekend! 

The Reception Team