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Autumn Art Competition!

Term 1 art competition details.

This term Mrs Smith and Mr Brown have announced an exciting brand-new competition based of the most colourful and vibrant season of all... Autumn!

The aim of this term’s competition is to take a series of images that represent the word 'Autumn'.  The task for children is to print 1 –10 photos and display them in a creative way. This can be on a board, a canvas or even something 3D such as a wooden log, for example. This competition is photography-based, but children can use other media to display their photographs, such as painting on top of images, collaging images together or sticking leaves on top of their images. There will be a series of workshops in Art club for the children to try out new techniques.  Photographs can be any size and, as always, if children need help with materials or printing, they just need to ask. 

Children can use the following ideas as inspiration: exploring nature, going outside and using the woods/ beaches, focusing on the changes in your surroundings and the weather, taking close-up images of things like ferns and leaves and acorns, or taking long-distance images of trees in the park. 

The following resources can be used: 

  • Cameras 

  • iPads  

  • Canvas/ boards 

  • Phones/ a grown-up's phone (with permission) 

  • Polaroid cameras 

  • Paint  

  • Collage 

  • Pastels 

  • Paper A2/A3 

Workshops will be in the art room this term for the competition on Thursdays 12pm-1pm. 

Work must be submitted by Tuesday 31st October (after half-term) with your full name, team name and age. There will be prizes and house points for first, second and third prize winners. House points will also be awarded to each key stage winner.  

I can't wait to see what team Pressley produce! If they have any questions they should ask Mr Brown or Mrs Smith.