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Trip next Friday

A reminder about the upcoming trip next Friday (13th October), when we will be heading to the Museum of Kent Life, near Maidstone, for our Victorian Day...

We will be departing the school at about 9:10 using Viking Academy Trust minibuses and aim to arrive around 10. Once there, we have a number of workshops that will showcase life in the Victorian era. This should consolidate the learning that has been taking place in our afternoon topic lessons.

To fully immerse themselves in the experience, we would love the children to dress up. Many of the children will hopefully still have the outfits they wore for the Year 6, end of year, production in July - when they performed their songs. Please do not go out and buy expensive costumes for the day, there are plenty of free and easy ideas available online if needed. Please ensure they also have a coat and footwear suitable for the weather on the day.

Please note that we will be arriving back to school AFTER the normal finishing time. We hope to arrive back at around 3:30, though this will of course depend on traffic. Children will need a packed lunch. School packed lunches are available.