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Bug Hotels

Request for resources

Date for the diary: Friday 13th October, 2pm - come and make our bug hotels with us!

This week, Year 2 are starting to learn about microhabitats! In the coming days, we will be designing our own bug hotels too and then... we are going to make our own! We’d love it if you could collect and bring in resources that the children can make their bug hotels with.

Every child will need either an empty 1 or 2 litre plastic bottle or an empty cardboard 1 litre juice carton as these will form the basis of their bug hotel.

We will also need:

· straw/ newspaper

· sticks and twigs

· pine cones

· bamboo canes (or any hollow gardening canes)

Think natural and 'what will last' - leaves may go brittle and break/ disintegrate by next Friday. Please bring in anything you can by Thursday 12th October and thank you in advance!

Year 2 Team