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Team Cialis (Yr 4)

February 2024

  • Cinema night!

    Published 29/02/24, by Seb Chamberlain

    Are you free on the evening of Monday 11th March?

    Join us for an adults-only evening to watch "The Reason I Jump", to start Neurodiversity and Inclusion week at RAPS.

    Tickets are £6.50 each and can be booked through the MCAS app.

    The film starts at 7pm at the Palace Cinema, Broadstairs.

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  • Personal Development!

    Published 23/02/24, by Joshua Cialis

    This week has been Personal Development Week. We have been learning about Respect, healthy boundaries, what to do if we feel unsafe and what to do if we feel unsafe. We also learnt about how the relationships we have are different depending on the people; for example our relationship with our friends will be different to that with our teacher or with our parents. We learnt that in all our relationships we should protect and be kind to everyone. In this learning we sang Billy Bragg's song 'I will be your shield.'

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  • World Book Day - 7th March

    Published 20/02/24, by Seb Chamberlain

    World Book Day is on Thursday 7th March! We are asking children to bring in their favourite book from home to share with their peers. Children will be asked to describe why this book is their favourite and recommend it to children in the class. They are encouraged dress up as a character from the book they bring, or they could choose to come in clothes they like to read in, but this is not essential. 

    During the day we will be completing lessons around 'How to be a Lion' by Ed Vere and taking part in exciting workshops throughout the day. Children will also receive a book token to spend in a local bookstore.

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  • Term 4!

    Published 19/02/24, by Joshua Cialis

    Welcome back to Term 4! This term will be exciting with lots of activities planned for the children.

    Our PE days will be Monday when we have Outdoor PE.

    In Topic, we will be studying Food for Thought. This is a really intersesting topic about the food we eat, how we digest it, and all about our teeth and the teeth of animals.

    If you have any questions about this term please do get in touch by email.

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  • Children's Mental Health Week...

    Published 06/02/24, by Joshua Cialis

    This week is Children's Mental Health Week. During our morning mindfulness sessions we have been thinking about our voices. This morning, we thought about things we would change if we could:

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  • Number Day

    Published 06/02/24, by Joshua Cialis

    Last Friday, we had great fun on Number Day! We went around each class completing lots of number investigations. We unlocked treasure by decoding number facts, we made Tasia Puzzles, we even found the positions of an imaginary staff football team.

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  • Eco Warriors Competition

    Published 06/02/24, by Joshua Cialis

    The Ramsgate Arts Primary School Eco Warriors are carrying out projects to better our school and make us more eco friendly.

    As a school, we want to create our own eco superhero league, and we need your help to design our heroes!

    We have assigned one eco-friendly element per year group and we need you to design a superhero around this aspect.

    There will be one winner per year group - your design will be picked by the eco-warriors and will be turned into digital art that you may see displayed around different areas of the school!


    To enter, you need to return the letter that has been sent home (if you have lost it, they are attached to this blog post) with your design on the back, clearly displaying your name and year group.


    The deadline for the competition is Friday 23rd February 2024!

    Please return to your class teacher.


    Eco Elements for your Superhero:

    Reception and Year 1: Recycling and Litter

    Year 2: Electricity

    Year 3: Transport

    Year 4: Water

    Year 5: Eco Villain - a villain who is trying to not be eco friendly!

    Year 6: Plants and Nature


    Any further questions, please email Miss Maclean at

    Good luck!

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  • Decoding the Rosetta Sone!

    Published 01/02/24, by Joshua Cialis

    In 1799, French soldiers found the Rosetta Stone in the Nile Delta. It was found that the Rosetta Stone contains writing in 3 languages: Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs, Decoptic, and Ancient Greek. Scholars used the Ancient Greek translation to decipher the Egyptian Hieroglyphs. Therefore, the Rosetta Stone allowed us to decipher hieroglyphs on other artefacts so we could learn more about Ancient Egyptian life.

    The Rosetta Stone contained some names, names were contained in cartouche. The children had the opportunity to try and decipher the names using magnifying glasses and a hieroglyphic alphabet.

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February 2024