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Welcome to Term 6

Click to read for all the key info for Term 6. 

Welcome back to the last term of the year! I hope you all had a lovely week's rest.

The Arts Curriculum:

Mon: Art + Art

Tues: Drama + Dance

Weds: Computing + PE

Thurs: PE + Music 

This week is an exciting one as in addition to Personal Development week, we have the owners of the Crab Museum coming in Tuesday to do a workshop related to our learning in topic last term and on Wednesday, the children are taking part in a first aid workshop to learn what to do in an emergency! 

This term is a very busy one so please keep ahead of events by checking communications. Here are a few key dates below:

10th June- School photos

W/b 17th June- Assessment week

21st June- Parent Reading (2.30pm)

28th June- End of year production (9am + 2pm)

4th July- transition hour to new class

8th July- Trip to Canterbury Cathedral

11th July- Report out

12th July- Disco

16th July- Last day in Year 5

17th, 18th, 19th- Transition days in Year 6 

19th July- Last day of school- 2pm finish