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Term 2, Success ahead...

Welcome back to RAPS. Team Pressley have kick-started term 2 brilliantly. 


The curriculum letter is on the main Team Pressley page, this is an overview of what we are learning over the next term as we lead up to Christmas. 

Team Pressley have settled back into Term 2 brilliantly this week, and it has been lovely to celebrate their successes from the start of the year with most of you over the last two evenings. 

This term the Arts Curriculum is as follows: 

Monday: Art + Art 

Tuesday: Music + Computing 

Wednesday: Drama + Dance (trainers can be worn on this day).

Thursday: Swimming 

As you can see in the term overview (and I'm sure children have been excited to share their role with you), this term Year 5 will be leading the Christmas production of The Snow Queen. 

The Roar Project final will also take place this term Children who get through to the school final will present their project to the judges in their groups. Parents of children who are selected to make the final will be invited in on the Friday 10th. 

Lastly, Personal Development Week has been a brilliant start to what promises to be a fantastic term.