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Isambard Kingdom Brunel

As part of our topic looking at the Victorian era, we spent a session looking at Isambard Kingdom Brunel, some of his inventions and how he helped change the world...

In a follow-up session, using his designs as an inspiration, the children were tasked with creating their own bridge design to cover a one-metre gap between two desks in the classroom. Once this was done, they got into groups, shared their thoughts and created a final group design.

They were then given a few hours to build their bridge! Judging afterwards was based on four categories: Initial design, Appearance, Collaboration and Functionality. This final category was tested by seeing if a toy bus could pass over the bridge with a push or two. After each successful 'drive' an additional weight was added before it passed back over the bus.

Well done to the winning group comprising Lexi, Lily, Ethan, Lloyd and Herc!