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Victorian Day!

Yesterday, Year 6 had a brilliant day at the Museum of Kent Life where we undertook a series of sessions to consolidate and deepen the children's understanding of life in Victorian Britain...

We were a little worried as, on the motorway about 15 minutes away, the heavens opened, and the rain was hammering down; however, thankfully, it stopped for our time on site!

The children had a total of seven workshops: Life below stairs, Victorian shopping, School, Children and jobs, Rag Rug making, Florence Nightingale and a tour around a Victorian house.

Each of the sessions were incredibly informative and most of them were hands-on and practical too! The children particularly seemed to enjoy the Victorian school experience - even the 'naughty' ones who were sent to the corner!

The day really built on what we have been learning over the past term and we, the staff, must say a huge thank you for the fantastic outfits that the children came in - it really helped create the mood and immerse the children in the experience! Here are some of the photos taken to give a flavour of the day.